Fate/Apocrypha is a Japanese light novel series in Type-Moon's Fate franchise, written by Yūichirō Higashide and illustrated by Ototsugu Konoe.Fate/Apocrypha takes place in an alternate timeline from Fate/stay night. In the Third Holy Grail War, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia steals the Greater Grail, smuggling it to Romania. Sixty years later, the Yggdmillennia clan declare war upon the Mage’s Association in the Greater Grail War, pitting two teams of Servants against one another. Yggdmillennia and the Mage’s Association’s teams are referred to as the Black and Red factions respectively.
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Fate/Apocrypha FA Rider Astolfo Pink Wig Cosplay Wigs
Fate/Apocrypha FA Rider Astolfo Pink Wig Cosplay Wigs, give you the best look for a Astolfo cosplay.
Fate/Apocrypha FA Rider Astolfo Dress Cosplay Costume
Fate/Apocrypha FA Rider Astolfo Dress Cosplay Costume, made in you own measurements. Anime: Fate/Apocrypha Fabric: Spandex + uniform cloth + printing Including: Jacket + hair ball + sweater + short skirt + pantyhose (bought) + belt + bow*2 Shipping: Processing time: 7-15...
Fate/Apocrypha Astolfo Cosplay Costume Outfits Halloween Carnival Suit
Fate/Apocrypha Astolfo Cosplay Costume Outfits Halloween Carnival Suit
Material: Uniform Cloth
Package included: Dress + Bowtie
Fate/Apocrypha FA Saber Golden Wig Cosplay Wig
Fate/Apocrypha FA Saber Golden Wig Cosplay Wig