Shadows House
Shadows House
Shadows House is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by the duo Somato. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump since September 2018, with the chapters collected in seven tankōbon volumes as of March 2021. An anime television series adaptation by CloverWorks premiered in April 2021.The story is about a group of faceless aristocrats in a distant place who communicate with live figures.
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Shadows House Emilico Cosplay Costumes Halloween Carnival Suit
Shadows House Emilico Cosplay Costumes Halloween Carnival Suit Material: Uniform Cloth Package included: Top + skirt + Cape Size(Unit:cm) Height Chest Waist Hip XS 153-157 79-81 60-62 87-89 S 158-162 82-84 63-65 90-92 M 163-167 85-87 66-68 93-95 L...
Shadows House Emilico Cosplay Costume Outfits Halloween Carnival Suit
Shadows House Emilico Cosplay Costume Outfits Halloween Carnival Suit
Material: Lining + Uniform Cloth
Package included: Apron + Dress + Hair Accessories